Sunday, March 29, 2009

An illustrator who writes, brought to you by the number 4

For the last 6 weeks I've been taking a course called Writing Picture Books through Victoria University here in Melbourne. It's an online course, which is sort of wacky, but it means you can do it in your pyjamas at 1am which is great for me, because I often do!

So I now keep a notebook of ideas, have a stack of picture books from the library, and visit the bookstore regularly. I am immersing myself in PBs and figuring out how my lil story could fit into the wide world of children's literature. And because it's an accredited course, I even have writing assignments! It feels great to be in a learning environment again, and it's very exciting, I have to say.

So each week I log in to this:

to see what new messages there are, and each week there is a new topic, new tasks, new exercises, etc. Sometimes we have to analyse a PB looking at something specific, or do a short writing exercise and post our results.

Soon we will start writing 'the story' and that's of course what I'm most looking forward to. I've had an idea rolling around in my head for months now, I know once I finally put pen to paper it's going to come out in an irrepressible flood of words and pictures. I can't wait!


And... I totally forgot that Doda tagged me ages ago to "post the 4th picture in the 4th folder on my computer, then tag 4 people to do the same"

so here tis - sorry it's so late Doda...!

I keep a lot of images of inspiration - of art and of things. Loved this colourful desktop - but can't remember who's it is I'm afraid!

So I now tag:
Red dog & Jude
Sweet Pea


flossy-p said...

Your course sounds great! How exciting to be studying/learning again. I can't wait to see the final result.

Mônica said...

The course sounds very exciting, indeed! It's wonderful that you were able to find a course on what you want to do and that you're really enjoying it. I look forward to hearing more about it (and your story!) :-)