Friday, June 27, 2008

Bloggy break

Well I guess it's probably obvious from my lack of posting that I am taking a little bloggy break. I'm don't know how long for, but I'll be back soon I'm sure. Working on Surprise! was quite intense along with a job and other commitments, so I am enjoying having a bit of free time, seeing my husband and friends, and painting other things... like my house! Will get to that one soon. I plan to paint a mural or two so will give you a good ol' before and after once I get there.

But until then, I leave you with this: our mexican bliss from our travels last year. ahhhh, mexico....

1 comment:

Mônica said...

I know what you mean! It's hard sometimes to do keep on posting, while doing everything else. Enjoy your break and I'll look forward to seeing you again soon!