Monday, October 28, 2013

MATS: Main assignment Week 3 - Children's Books

Our main assignment this week was to illustrate either the cover or a spread from a text given to us - "The Language of the Birds", a russian folktale.

It's quite a sad story, but we could illustrate the story in any style we liked.

I ended up not using any of the sketching from the mini assignment and went with quite a literal representation, and, sigh..... I can't say I'm very happy with what I came up with. I wanted to start over halfway through but just didn't have the time, so I did what I could but my heart really wan't in it :-(

One thing I was really excited to work on was hand lettering which was part of our mini 'warm-up' assignment. I had a lot of fun doing these:

(might look like penance to some people!) - but I didn't really have time to push myself any further. Same with the colour palette which is something I wanted to work on this week, but didn't! What happened? I think I got bogged down in the details of things - the background, the tree bark, etc. that I didn't leave enough time for other things.

Oh well. Brush it off, and on to the next is all I can say!

if you missed it, see last week's classwork on the Home Decor market

next week is Wall Art

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