Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good news to start the year

Well the exciting news is that Karen, the author of my latest illustration venture Surprise! has been signed to a literary agent in the big Big Apple, who is trying to find a publisher for the book in the US/Canada. You can see Karen's post about it here - fingers crossed for us please!

Also, the book got a nice one-liner review in Australian Bookseller and Publisher - I think that is my first ever review ... cool! :-)


Tom Barrett said...

Cool! What better way to start the new year. Hope you get that book dummy going, too!

Danielle McDonald said...

That's fabulous news! I see that you too are keen to get into the writing side of things! I can't wait to see what you come up with. I hope we get to catch up again this year! Best wishes and great to hear your house is progressing so well!

flossy-p said...

My fingers and toes are crossed for you!!!!! :D

Mônica said...

Oooohh, my fingers are crossed as well! That would be terrific, Kim! :-)

Isabelle said...

Congratulations Kim!
best of luck for the new market. It is a lovely book!